Why we Fail in Network Marketing Business

Excuse OR Success

Excuses which limit your success

When we shift blame on factors that are outside of our control, we aren’t looking for improvements, we are just staying stuck, if not moving backwards.
When we come short in reaching our goals, rather than focusing on if we did everything we could have done to improve and keep pushing forward, we devote negative energy to focusing on circumstances that don’t have anything to do with the situation that “holds us back.” 

Don’t let your mentality get in front of your dreams.

The thing is, if this goal is truly important to you and is something that you truly want, you won’t let circumstances influence your ability to go and get it. The only person stopping you is yourself. When successful people don’t reach a goal, they take a moment to see what they could’ve changed in their plans to get a better outcome. They don’t look to blame others for an error that they made.
  • Lack of Support (No one is supporting me)

    People act as if the weight of success is only on their shoulders and they have to do it all by themselves. Blaming others for their lack of support only takes your focus off of what you can do to improve. If you feel like you need support, then find it. The people surrounding you might be a good influence, but might not be the right one you need. Actively seek support if you actually need it and want the help to achieve your goals.

    • Age factor (I’m too old or young)

      Age is just a number. A business’s profits don’t care how old the owner is. Age won’t matter unless you emphasize it. When you make this excuse, it opens up the floodgates for other excuses.
      • Being busy (I don’t have enough time)

        People who say they don’t have time usually mean they don’t want to make the time. Everyone wants to be a success, but those who actually are successful make it a priority. Everyone has the same time to make it happen. Chances are, those that don’t just don’t know how to get started. Make time for your dreams and things should fall into place. If you are only preparing to get prepared, you tend to slide off the radar and stay complacent. They rarely end up doing any work to further advance this goal.
        • Formal Education (I’m not educated enough)

        Many people believe that a college degree is a guaranteed ticket to success. Society’s expectations for all people has transformed into a “go to school and get a job” mentality. Realize that a degree is just a piece of paper, and doesn’t really indicate competency, determination, and hard work. If you want something but don’t have a college degree, still go for it. Passion and ethics win over a degree any day.
        • New to field (I don’t have enough experience)

        When people think they don’t have enough experience for a certain position, they put their feet up and give in rather than building up towards what they want. By not acknowledging any experience, you are saying that you aren’t good enough. You also tend to settle for less. You get stuck in a position that is dead-end and stops your creativity. Realize that if you set a goal for a certain job, you have it within you to get up and go after it.
        • Well being Issues (I don’t have the health)

        People who make excuses about health conditions limiting them from reaching their goals need to take a step back and evaluate what is actually possible. Chances are, it isn’t the physical health that is the limiting factor, it is the mindset. Make affirmations of your body in a positive way instead.
        • Financial Problem (I don’t have the money)

        If you find yourself making this excuse, take a step and look back at what you are actually spending on. Chances are, you have the money but you aren’t putting it towards your goals. You aren’t managing it well, and aren’t utilizing it to the best of your capabilities. You can succeed by attaining money to sustain your dream. Everyone thinks about money every day, but focus your intentions on the right thoughts.
